Those of you who've never been to Hong Kong may not be familiar with the general attitude towards overweight, or even slightly pudgy, children. The general consensus is that if the opportunity presents itself, everyone should remark upon the child's size in a loud and bold voice, have a hearty chuckle (finger pointing and knee slapping are optional extras) and he or she must laugh along heartily and pretend that they're very lucky to be the centre of such undivided attention. If you think it's a teacher's job to stick up for the little porker, then think again! In most cases, it is the teacher who is the ringleader. I have seen many examples of this, but Naomi's story of an incident today left me speechless.
Nomes (that's Naomi, for those not up with the lingo) has just started at a new school - a hoity toity one with a great reputation - and today was her first day of teacher observation. This is when she just sits at the back of the class and watches the masters at work. The lesson today was on opposites, so after a few minutes of "black...white", "tall... short" and such things, the teacher had a little giggle and asked thin girl and a slightly overweight individual to stand up. Barely containing her laughter, she asked, "Can you guess what this one is?" The children were in hysterics, yelling out "Fat! Fat! FAT! Ahahahaha" while the poor kid stood there with a half smile on his face. The teacher responded proudly, "Yes, fat! He is fat!" Not content with humiliating the young fella, she then asked him to stand on his side, presumably so people could see that "He really fat", and put a sticker on him that said, "fat", while the whole class continued laughing their heads off. I'm not joking. She labelled him fat, and she didn't even have the courtesy to do it metaphorically.
I'm no expert on political correctness, or even teaching, manners, courtesy, respect or common sense, but you do not laugh in a fat kid's face. I don't care if he weighs a hundred kilos. I don't care if he looks as if he'd swallowed an inflatable ball that gets foot-pumped a little more each time he takes a step. I don't even care if his name is Fat (which is sometimes the case in Hong Kong), don't call him fat! Don't tease him, don't laugh at him and certainly don't encourage a class full of kids with a predisposition to laughing at anything remotely different to do the same.
My advice for the offending teacher: If you want to be funny, take a whoopee cushion to class instead. Farts are always funny. Sure, it's just as juvenile as laughing at the fat kid, but at least no one's feelings are getting hurt.