Monday, October 30, 2006

Careful Drivers

Last night, Nomes and I went with a couple of friends to see The Prestige. It was pretty good, but the thing that has motivated me to post is not the movie, but the taxi ride home.

My friends will tell you that since getting together with 'Swerves' Borkoswki, I haven't been the best passenger in the world. Her inability to differentiate left from right, combined with a general indifference to things such as traffic lights and roundabouts have ensured that I'm always on edge in the passenger seat. However, last night was something else altogether.

During a ten minute taxi ride, we managed to do about 120 in a 70 zone, cut off literally dozens of cars, inciting road rage inspired threatening revs and swerves from other taxi drivers, and cause 3 almost accidents. I was half way through a sentence at one point when the taxi attempted to run down a guy on a scooter.

"Hey Nomes, do you ever get the feeling you're about to be in a car cr..... Shit! Watch where you're going!"

It felt like that scene in The Naked Gun where the girl from the Driving School starts to chase the criminals, and we hastily reached for the hitherto ignored seatbelts and found religion.

After endangering a dozen or so lives and breaking possibly hundreds of road rules, we finally arrived at the ferry pier - shaken, pale and ready to make the next leg of the journey. Naomi felt ok, though. A certain lightness came over her, as the crown of 'Worst Driver In The World' was lifted from her head and passed on to a worthy recipient.


Anonymous said...

"...and cause 3 almost accidents"

Tsk, tsk, Nick. I think you meant "and almost cause three accidents".

As a teacher, you should know better than that. And you should speak good and everything.

Nick said...

I'm standing by my 'almost accidents', and giving you the standard excuse for bad writing: It's a style thing.

Besides, my talk English is awesome and that.

lalligirl said...

...hitherto (hmmm)?

also a style thing...

Nick said...

I've hitherto never written that word, but it's a little ripper, and I shall use it henceforth.

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