Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Goodbye, Ronald

It's a tough pattern to get out of, you know. Alarm goes off, hit snooze button. Alarm goes off again, hit snooze button again. Look at the clock, say a curse word and rush to the shower. Leave the house without so much as a thought towards breakfast, get on the bus, get hungry and realise that the only option between the bus stop and work is... good old Maccas. At 12 Hong Kong dollars ($2 Aussie) for a cheeky Sausage McMuffin and a coffee, you can't go wrong. Polish off your meal, get a nice little sugar rush and get on with the day.

Unfortunately, what started as an occasional indulgence quickly turned into a routine and before I knew it, I'd turned into Morgan Spurlock. I think he was onto something, too, because the old energy started to go around 11am and I was struggling through the rest of the day. Something had to be done. So I made a bet with myself that I wouldn't go to Maccas, KFC or any fast food place for the whole month of October. Quitting KFC was particularly hard because they've just come out with a delicious chicken muffin thingy, which is second to none. I know it shouldn't be hard, and most people rarely eat fast food anyway, but for me this was a bit of a challenge.

It's all Naomi's fault. Every time we walk past some junk food place, she asks me if I feel like any.

"Yeah, now that you mention it, Nomes, I could go a Double Cheesy. What are you getting?"

"Oh, I'll just have some of yours."

Yeah, I bet you will.

I'm proud to say that 24 days in, I haven't succumbed, and I don't even feel like the greasy filth. Amazingly, I have a lot more energy now. Who would've thought that McDonald's wasn't nutritious?

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