Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Bruce Lee's Brother

One of the great things about teaching English as a Foreign Language is the ripper comments that students come up with. Here are a few gems I've heard over the years:

"Do you know the names of all the Beatles?"
"Yes, of course. John, Paul, George and Tony."

"Mr. Oliver, you smell. You should take a bath." - from a 4 year old Hong Kong girl. At least her grammar was perfect!

"Poo poo is very dirty" - from a 2 year old while sitting on the toilet

"How old do you think this baby is?"

"My Grandma is very fat"
"Now, King Lok, it's not nice to call people fat"
"Oh... my Grandma is very, very big!"

"Do you know Bruce Lee? Do you know his brother? Ug Lee?"
(half the class gets the joke and laughs and one smart girl puts up her hand)
"Mr. Oliver. You are Bruce Lee's brother!"



lalligirl said...

"I'd like some stir fried vegetarians please!"

Anonymous said...

Well, I didn't want to say anything before, but since you already brought up, you are a bit Bruce Lee's brother.

Nick said...

If I'm Bruce Lee's brother, Doc, then you're his sister, Sil.

Anonymous said...

Yea, what ever happened to the evil twin sister "Buttug"? Or their cousin "musc"...he gets all the girls.

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