Tuesday, November 07, 2006


After finally seeing the convincing, moving and frightening picture, 'An Inconvenient Truth', I felt compelled to take the time to recommend it to everybody. I know the message is getting out there, with even Rupert Murdoch yesterday announcing his backflip on Global Warming, saying, "it is now our responsibility to take the lead on the issue," and that, "the planet deserves the benefit of the doubt".

Australia is the largest per capita contributor to greenhouse gases and Johnny Howard mocks Al Gore's film and the Stern Report as overreactions, but it seems that it is gradually being accepted by everyone else on the planet.

Johnny H: "Mr. Speaker, so-called global warming is just a load of poppycock made up by a bunch of long haired hippies and foreigners who smoke marijuana and bludge off your hard earned tax dollars. Don't overreact. In fact, don't act at all. As the world's largest per capita contributor to the problem, we don't feel the need to sign any agreements that are binding, because in the spirit of mateship, a handshake should be good enough."

Anyway, I won't go on too long. I don't pretend to know how to fix it, but surely awareness is the first step. All I want to do is recommend that you watch the film, read up on global warming or just take a few minutes to visit the website: www.climatecrisis.org


Anonymous said...

I don't believe in Global Warming

Nick said...

Clearly, you also don't believe in spelling your own name correctly, Mr. Zlonzak.

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